Guys, when girls are very close friends, we form a sister-like bond that makes us practically inseparable. We know that it makes us seem less approachable, but best friends are like security blankets. You see, that way, we can point and laugh at other people's outfits, hair styles, makeup, boyfriends, and other accessories. We can also confide in each other, or get advice about our outfits, hair styles, makeup, boyfriends, and other accessories. (Guys, there is the possibility that you are just an accessory if you are in high school.) With this almost all-transcending bond comes the sharing of many things such as outfits, hair styles, makeup, boyfriends (actually that's a huge no-no), and other accessories.
Girls, I am not positive that all mothers say this, but I know that my mother harps about about makeup sharing like you wouldn't believe. She is always talking about how unsanitary it is to share eye makeup, and even more specifically, mascara. If you're like me, the fact that your mother told you not to wear your friend's mascara because you don't know where it has been never really bothered you. First, in a pinch, many girls will opt to look pretty now, even if there is a chance that they may get sick later. Second, if she's close enough of a friend to be sharing makeup with, you probably know exactly where all her makeup has been!
Now, I really have not looked into the sanitation of it, but here is a good reason not to share mascara. Unless you have memorized exactly what mascara your friend is currently using (in which case you may need to branch out a little bit more), you aren't going to be thinking about what brand of makeup you're putting on your eyelashes. Your probably just trying to get your mascara even, whislt not getting it all over the bridge of your nose (trust me, everyone's done it, or at least gotten mascara on their cheek), and getting to your next class, or meeting your date on time. If you are sitting in class, and you sneeze, cough, stab yourself with a pencil while writing notes, or whatever, or you are watching the sad part or a romantic comedy that you dragged your date to, accidentally order food that you thought wouldn't be so spicy, get a text saying that your pet [insert type of animal here] died unexpectedly, or get broken up with, you will inevitably at least tear up a little bit. And when the puddles start forming in the corners of your eyes, the thought will strike you:
Is my mascara waterproof?
Sometimes, you may not remember, even if you're wearing your own makeup, and wind up rummaging through your handbag until you see the words "waterproof" on the side of the wand. But if you are wearing your girlfriend's facial push-up bra, whatever problem you are facing will pale significantly in light of the possibility that you are about to have little black rivulets streaming down your face, and streaking all your other makeup. SO you have to pull out your phone, and subtly text your bestie:
Is your mascara waterproof?
Then she will have to rummage through her handbag and try to tell you the answer before the traumatizing thought of turning into a zebra transforms you into a total watering-pot. If she says yes, then you get to blubber a bit, wipe your tears on a tissue/napkin/page of notes (which you will have to recopy from someone else later), and if she says no, then you will have to blubber a bit, wail, burst into a fit the size of Niagara, while your class and teacher, or date and the rest of the restaurant or theater looks on in shocked terror.
So the moral of the story is, don't wear your friend's eye makeup, no matter how desperate you may get. (Now, lip gloss is a whole other story for a different day.) And for guys, don't break up with your girlfriend in public.